Corpus: Upper arm
1. Definition
The upper arm is the proximal segment of the upper limb, extending from the shoulder to the elbow. It connects to the forearm via the elbow joint and links the upper limb to the shoulder girdle and the trunk through the shoulder joint.
3. Musculature
The humerus is a pivotal point for the attachment of various muscles, including shoulder, select back and chest muscles, and forearm muscles. However, the bulk of the upper arm's muscular mass consists of the upper arm muscles:
- biceps brachii muscle
- coracobrachialis muscle
- brachialis muscle
- triceps brachii muscle
- anconeus muscle
Note: Although anatomically part of the forearm, the anconeus muscle is developmentally associated with the triceps brachii muscle.
4. Arteries
The primary artery in the upper arm is the brachial artery, which continues from the subclavian and axillary arteries. This artery bifurcates at the elbow joint into the radial and ulnar arteries.
5. Veins
Venous drainage in the upper extremity occurs through two main systems: superficial (epifascial) cutaneous veins and deep (subfascial) veins, including accompanying veins. These merge into the brachial vein, which runs parallel to the brachial artery.
6. Nerves
The three major nerves of the arm are:
Another important nerve within the upper arm is the musculocutaneous nerve.
7. Quiz
8. Image source
- Image source quiz: © DocCheck Flexikon