Corpus: Superior ophthalmic vein
1. Definition
The superior ophthalmic vein is a vein in the area of the orbit. It drains the venous blood from the orbit, the lacrimal gland and the bulbus oculi.
2. Course
The supply area of the superior ophthalmic vein is similar to that of the ophthalmic artery. It anastomoses with the nasofrontal vein, which in turn is connected to the angular vein. It runs along the upper section of the medial orbital wall dorsally to the superior orbital fissure and opens into the cavernous sinus within the cranial cavity.
3. Inflows
3.1. ...from the orbit
- Nasofrontal vein
- Ethmoidal veins
- Lacrimal vein
- Palpebral veins (partial)
- Conjunctival veins
- Rami musculares (from the eye muscles)
3.2. ...from the bulbus oculi
4. Clinic
The superior ophthalmic vein forms a connection between the drainage area of the angular vein and the cavernous sinus. As a result, there is a risk of haematogenous spread of bacterial pathogens from the facial area into the cerebral sinus with consecutive cavernous sinus thrombosis.