Corpus: Pterygopalatine fossa
from ancient Greek: pteryx - wing
1. Definition
The pterygopalatine fossa is a depression located at the base of the skull. It lies between the palatine process of the maxilla and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone.
2. Anatomy
The pterygopalatine fossa is bordered by the following structures:
- Cranial: body of the sphenoid bone
- Caudal: pyramidal process of the palatine bone, leading to the retropharyngeal space
- Anterior: infratemporal surface of the maxilla
- Posterior: base of the pterygoid process and the anterior surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
- Medial: perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
The pterygopalatine fossa contains several key anatomical structures, including:
- Pterygopalatine ganglion
- Pterygopalatine segment of the maxillary artery with several branches
- Maxillary nerve
- Initial section of the zygomatic nerve
- Initial section of the infraorbital nerve
The pterygopalatine fossa communicates with surrounding anatomical spaces through a series of channels, fissures, and foramina:
- Greater palatine canal: connects to the oral cavity
- Palatovaginal canal: connects to the nasopharynx
- Pterygoid canal: connects to the middle cranial fossa
- Pterygomaxillary fissure: opens into the infratemporal fossa
- Inferior orbital fissure: communicates with the orbit
- Foramen rotundum: provides access to the middle cranial fossa
- Sphenopalatine foramen: opens into the nasal cavity