Corpus: Posterior compartment of leg
1. Definition
Compartimentum cruris posterius or posterior compartment of the leg is the name of a compartment that contains the flexor muscles of the lower leg.
2. Anatomy
The posterior crural compartment is bounded by the tibia, the fibula, the interosseous membrane, the crural fascia and the posterior crural intermuscular septum. It can be further divided into a superficial and a deep flexor ligament.
2.1. Superficial posterior compartment
The superficial posterior compartment is bordered by the following structures:
- anteriorly: intermuscular septum cruris posterius and fascia cruris (deep leaflet)
- posterior, medial and lateral: fascia cruris (superficial leaflet)
It contains the following muscles:
- Musculus triceps surae
2.2. Deep posterior compartment
The deep posterior compartment is bounded by the following structures:
- anteriorly: tibia and interosseous membrane
- lateral: fibula and fascia cruris (deep leaflet)
- medial and posterior: fascia cruris (deep leaf)
It contains the following muscles:
It contains the following vessels:
- fibular artery and vein
- posterior tibial arteria and vein
- tibial nerve