Corpus: Nuchal ligament
1. Definition
The nuchal ligament is a band of elastic connective tissue located in the region of the cervical spine, continuing caudally as the supraspinous ligament.
2. Anatomy
The nuchal ligament extends from the external occipital protuberance or the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone to the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7). Anteriorly, a sheet of fibers extends from the ligament to attach to the posterior tubercle of the atlas (C1) and the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae.
The nuchal ligament acts as a midline septum between the right and left sides of the neck musculature. It also serves as an attachment point for various muscles, including the trapezius and the uppermost fibers of the rhomboid minor muscle.
3. Variety
Occasionally, an accessory bone, known as a sesamoid of the nuchal ligament, may be present within the fibrous tissue. This is typically an incidental finding and is usually asymptomatic.