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Corpus: Clavicle

Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Reh
DocCheck Team
Dr. Frank Antwerpes
Dr. Frank Antwerpes
Arzt | Ärztin
Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Reh, Dr. Frank Antwerpes

Synonym: collar bone


The clavicle is the s-shaped curved bone whose terminal articular surfaces are connected medially to the sternum and laterally to the scapula and is thus involved in the movement of the shoulder joint.

Stichworte: Bone, Corpus
25 Aufrufe
Geprüfte Änderung
Bearbeitet von Frank Antwerpes am 15.03.2024 Geprüft von DocCheck
Letzter Edit: 15.03.2024, 16:30