Corpus: Thyrohyoid muscle
1. Definition
The thyrohyoid muscle is a small, quadrangular skeletal muscle that is part of the infrahyoid muscles.
2. Course
2.1. Origin
The thyrohyoid muscle originates from the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage. It appears as a continuation of the sternothyroid muscle, extending toward the hyoid bone.
2.2. Attachment
The muscle inserts at the lower edge of the greater horn of the hyoid bone, just lateral and slightly distal to the insertion of the omohyoid muscle, following a similar course.
3. Innervation
The thyrohyoid muscle is innervated by the thyrohyoid branch from the superior root of the ansa cervicalis, which is derived from branches of the cervical plexus, specifically from segments C1-C3.
4. Function
The primary function of the thyrohyoid muscle is to shorten the distance between the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage, thereby facilitating the closure of the larynx.