Corpus: Styloglossus muscle
from ancient Greek: stylos - column, stylus
1. Definition
The styloglossus muscle is a narrow skeletal muscle that is part of the external tongue musculature.
2. Course
2.1. Origin
The styloglossus muscle originates from the anterior and lateral aspects of the styloid process of the temporal bone and from the stylomandibular ligament.
2.2. Attachment
The fibers of the styloglossus muscle run in a rostral and caudal direction, passing between the internal and external carotid arteries. Near the back of the tongue, these fibers divide into two branches. One branch extends straight into the body of the tongue, blending with the fibers of the inferior longitudinal muscle. The other branch runs transversely downward, overlapping and mixing with the fibers of the hyoglossus muscle.
3. Innervation
The styloglossus muscle is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII).
4. Function
The styloglossus muscle functions to pull the tongue backward and upward, playing a supportive role in the act of swallowing.