Corpus: Internal pudendal vein
1. Definition
The internal pudendal veins are veins that accompany the internal pudendal artery.
2. Course
In men, the internal pudendal veins originate from the deep veins of the penis, draining the spongy body. In women, they form from the deep veins of the vulva. These veins accompany the internal pudendal artery and the pudendal nerve through the pudendal canal, passing through the lesser and greater sciatic foramina, and ultimately flow into the internal iliac vein.
3. Tributaries
The internal pudendal veins receive blood from the penile bulb (in men) or vestibular bulb (in women), the perineal veins, and the inferior rectal veins.
4. Function
The internal pudendal veins collect venous blood from the genital organs and, through their tributaries, from the anterior and posterior perineum.