Corpus: Internal pudendal artery
1. Definition
The internal pudendal artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery.
2. Course
The internal pudendal artery usually arises together with the inferior gluteal artery from the internal iliac artery. From there it runs ventral to the sacral plexus to the infrapiriform foramen. Together with the pudendal nerve and the internal pudendal veins, it circles the ischial spine and re-enters the lesser pelvis through the lesser ischial foramen. Here it runs in the canalis pudendalis (Alcock canal).
The internal pudendal artery, its accompanying vein and the pudendal nerve pierce the medial canal wall and enter the ischiorectal fossa. There it branches into its numerous branches.
3. Branches
The branches that branch off differ in women and men:
3.1. ... in women
- Inferior rectal artery
- perineal artery
- Dorsal clitorid artery
- Deep clitorid artery
- Bulbar vestibule artery
3.2. ... in men
- Inferior rectal artery
- Perineal artery
- Dorsal artery of the penis
- Deep artery of the penis
- Artery of bulb of penis
- urethral artery