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Corpus: Falciform ligament

1. Definition

The falciform ligament is a sickle-shaped peritoneal fold that connects the anterior surface of the liver to the posterior surface of the abdominal wall. It runs from the diaphragm to the umbilicus and separates the right and left lobes of the liver.

2. Anatomy

The falciform ligament is positioned in an anteroposterior direction. It is a continuation of the coronary ligament and is slightly inclined laterally. One surface faces the abdominal wall, making contact with the peritoneum behind the right rectus abdominis muscle, while the other surface lies against the left lobe of the liver.

The falciform ligament is a remnant of the embryonic ventral mesohepaticum, part of the ventral mesogastrium. Its free lower edge extends to the umbilicus, containing the round ligament of liver, a connective tissue cord that runs from the liver to the navel. During embryonic development, the umbilical vein occupies this position, carrying oxygen-rich blood to the liver, which then flows into the inferior vena cava through the ductus venosus (later the ligamentum venosum after birth).

3. Vascular supply

The vascular supply to the falciform ligament is variable, typically involving an anastomosis between the left inferior phrenic artery and a middle branch of the hepatic propria artery. Venous drainage is provided by the Sappey's vein and vein of Burow.

Stichworte: Corpus, Ligament


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04.10.2024, 10:22
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