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Corpus: Transverse cervical nerve

Synonyms: superficial cervical nerve, cutaneous cervical nerve, anterior cutaneous cervical nerve of the neck

1. Definition

The transverse cervical nerve is a sensory branch of the cervical plexus, containing fibers from the C2 and C3 segments.

3D model of the nerves of the head. The Transverse cervical nerve is labled with the number 19.

2. Supply area

The transverse cervical nerve supplies the skin of the anterolateral region of the neck up to the sternum (breastbone).

3. Course

Originating from the anterior branches of the second and third spinal nerves (C2 and C3), the transverse cervical nerve winds around the sternocleidomastoid muscle and emerges at the Erb's point (the nerve point of the neck) along with the supraclavicular nerves, the lesser occipital nerve, and the greater auricular nerve at the posterior edge of the muscle. It then runs ventrally, crossing the sternocleidomastoid muscle. On its way to the anterior edge of the muscle, it passes under the external jugular vein and pierces the superficial cervical fascia. Below the platysma, it divides into smaller ascending and descending branches, spreading over the anterolateral neck region.

The ascending branches (superior rami) run upwards into the area of the lower jaw and, together with the cervical branch of the facial nerve, form a nerve loop below the platysma known as the superficial cervical ansa. Some fibers penetrate the platysma and are finely distributed in the skin of the upper anterior neck region.

The descending branches (inferior rami) penetrate the platysma and are distributed to the skin of the lower anterior neck region.

Stichworte: Cervical plexus, Corpus, Head, Nerve


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17.10.2024, 12:20
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