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Corpus: Transverse carpal ligament

Synonym: flexor retinaculum

1. Definition

The transverse carpal ligament is a tough ligament consisting of dense connective tissue located in the area of the wrist (carpus), spanning palmarly above the flexor tendons of the hand.

The corresponding band in the foot is called the flexor retinaculum of the foot.

2. Anatomy

The transverse carpal ligament is a reinforcement of the forearm fascia or hand fascia. It stretches between the ulnar and radial eminences above the carpal sulcus, forming the so-called carpal tunnel. The ligament gives off several septa, which form the palmar tendon compartments. At the transverse carpal ligament, the superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis muscle originates.

3. Function

The transverse carpal ligament ensures that the flexor tendons lie close to the wrist even when the hand is flexed.

4. Clinic

In severe cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, the transverse carpal ligament is surgically divided to prevent damage to the median nerve.

Stichworte: Corpus, Ligament, Wrist


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20.03.2024, 14:56
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