Corpus: Superior mesentric plexus
1. Definition
The superior mesenteric plexus is a vegetative nerve plexus located in the upper abdomen surrounding the superior mesenteric artery.
2. Anatomy
The superior mesenteric plexus is composed of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers, along with several ganglion cell clusters known as the superior mesenteric ganglion. It works together with the celiac plexus to form the "solar plexus."
3. Function
This plexus regulates the secretory and motor functions of several abdominal organs through visceromotor fibers, including the small intestine, pancreas, and parts of the colon up to the left colonic flexure. It also receives viscerosensitive fibres from these organs, which relay sensory information.
4. Clinic
Due to its dense network of fibers, the superior mesenteric plexus can sometimes be seen in imaging studies as a distinctive perivascular "vascular collar".