Corpus: Renal plexus
1. Definition
The renal plexus is a vegetative nerve plexus that surrounds the renal artery.
2. Anatomy
The renal plexus receives postganglionic fibres primarily from the celiac plexus, specifically from the celiac ganglia and aorticorenal ganglia. Additionally, it includes preganglionic fibres from the lesser, least and lumbar splanchnic nerves, which are interconnected in smaller ganglia within the plexus.
The renal plexus follows the branches of the renal artery to the kidney, where its sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres innervate blood vessels, glomeruli, and renal tubules.
Furthermore, the renal plexus connects to other nerve plexuses, including branches that supply the adrenal glands, ureteric, testicular, and ovarian plexuses, as well as nerves of secondary retroperitoneal organs such as the duodenum and colon.