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Corpus: Proper palmar digital arteries

1. Definition

The proper palmar digital arteries are fine vascular branches arising from the common palmar digital arteries to supply the fingers.

2. Course

At the bifurcation of the common palmar digital arteries, two proper palmar digital arteries originate, supplying the opposing sides of the digits II-V. The ulnar side of the little finger is reached separately by a branch from the ulnar artery.

The proper palmar digital arteries run distally along the palmar aspect of the finger phalanges. In the subcutaneous tissue of the fingertip, they form numerous anastomoses with the corresponding vessel on the opposite side of each finger, as well as with the dorsal digital arteries.

Stichworte: Artery, Corpus


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Letzter Edit:
27.03.2024, 11:11
17 Aufrufe
Nutzung: BY-NC-SA