Corpus: Palatoglossus muscle
Synonym: glossopalatinus muscle
1. Definition
The palatoglossus muscle is a small muscle that forms the palatopharyngeal arch and is part of the palatal musculature.
Some sources also classify it as part of the external tongue musculature.
2. Course
2.1. Origin
The palatoglossus muscle originates from the palatal aponeurosis of the soft palate. Its fibers are closely associated with those of the muscle on the opposite side at the midline.
2.2. Attachment
The fibers of the palatoglossus muscle run laterally and downward, passing in front of the palatine tonsil. They then merge with the fibers of the tongue muscles, inserting into the lateral edges of the tongue and, with some fibers, into the posterior part of the tongue. Deeper within the tongue, some fibers intermingle with those of the transverse muscle of the tongue.
3. Innervation
The palatoglossus muscle is innervated by the pharyngeal plexus, which is primarily composed of fibers from the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) or, according to some sources, the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX).
4. Function
The palatoglossus muscle plays a role in swallowing by elevating the base of the tongue and narrowing the pharyngeal isthmus, thereby aiding in the closure of the oral cavity during swallowing.