Corpus: Palatal aponeurosis
1. Definition
The palatal aponeurosis is a highly fibrous layer of connective tissue (aponeurosis) that is the basis of the soft palate. The palatal muscle, which move the soft palate, radiate into it.
2. Anatomy
The palatal aponeurosis is considered by some authors to be an extension of the tendons of the two tensor veli palatini muscles. However, more recent findings suggest that the palatal aponeurosis is a distinct anatomical unit that represents an extension of the periosteum of the neighboring bones. The following muscles attach to the palatal aponeurosis:
The palatine aponeurosis also serves as the origin of the palatoglossus muscle and the palatopharyngeus muscle.
3. Literature
- Waldeyer et al., Anatomie des Menschen: Lehrbuch und Atlas in einem Band (De Gruyter Studium) (19th totaly rev. ed.), De Gruyter, 2012