Corpus: Levator anguli oris muscle
from Latin: levare - to lift; angulus - corner, angle; os - mouth
1. Definition
2. Course
The levator anguli oris muscle originates from the canine fossa of the maxilla, just below the infraorbital foramen. Its fibers run downward and laterally to the corner of the mouth, where they insert. At this point, the muscle fibers merge with those of the zygomaticus major, depressor anguli oris, and orbicularis oris muscles at the modiolus anguli oris.
3. Topography
The outward-facing surface of the levator anguli oris muscle is covered by the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle and is crossed by the zygomatic muscles as well as the infraorbital vessels and nerves. The inward-facing surface is adjacent to the maxilla, the buccinator muscle, and the oral mucosa.
4. Innervation
The levator anguli oris muscle is innervated by the buccal branches of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII).
5. Function
The primary function of the levator anguli oris muscle is to lift the corner of the mouth. It also plays a role in smiling, working in conjunction with the risorius muscle.