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Corpus: Inferior epigastric artery

1. Definition

The inferior epigastric artery is a branch of the external iliac artery that supplies blood to the lower abdominal wall.

2. Course

The inferior epigastric artery originates from the external iliac artery near the inguinal ligament. It initially runs forward in the subperitoneal tissue and then ascends obliquely along the medial edge of the deep inguinal ring. Together with the inferior epigastric vein, it forms the lateral umbilical fold. The artery continues by piercing the internal fascia of the transversus abdominis muscle, ascending further between the rectus abdominis muscle and the rectus sheath, passing ventral to the arcuate line.

Above the navel, the artery divides into multiple small branches that anastomose with the superior epigastric artery in the rectus sheath. The pubic branch of the artery gives rise to the obturator branch, forming a significant anastomosis, the "corona mortis," with the pubic branch of the obturator artery.

3. Branches

4. Topography

In men, the ductus deferens, and in women, the round ligament of the uterus, winds around the initial section of the inferior epigastric artery.

5. Function

The inferior epigastric artery supplies the anterior lower portion of the abdominal wall.

6. Clinic

The inferior epigastric artery can form a collateral circulation via the superior epigastric artery and the internal thoracic artery in cases of gradual stenosis of the abdominal aorta.

Perforating branches of the inferior epigastric artery are crucial in supplying blood to the DIEP flap (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator flap) used in breast reconstruction surgeries.

7. Nomenclature

In some anatomical literature, the inferior epigastric artery is referred to as the "deep inferior epigastric artery" (DIEA). The term "superficial inferior epigastric artery" (SIEA) is used to differentiate the superficial epigastric artery.


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Letzter Edit:
04.09.2024, 15:43
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