Corpus: Navel

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from Latin: umbilicus - navel
Synonyms: Umbilicus, navel, omphalos
English: , umbilicus
The term umbilicus is used to describe the physiologically imposing scar in the area of the mid-abdomen, which remains as a relic of the attachment of the umbilical cord.
The umbilicus consists of a plate of subcutaneous, connective tissue scar tissue, above which there is a skin retraction in the form of a papilla, which represents the actual umbilical cord remnant. The papilla is surrounded by the umbilical ring.
The umbilicus can be turned convexly outwards or - which is more common - concavely inwards. If the navel is turned inwards, concentric folds, paired bulges or irregular adhesions can be seen on the inside. In obese people, the navel often takes the form of a deep transverse slit.
The umbilicus is the starting point for various developmental disorders, for example urachal fistula or the open omphaloenteric duct. In this area, intestinal loops can also pass through the enlarged umbilical ring, resulting in an umbilical hernia.
The aesthetic appearance of the navel can be changed with the help of an umbilicoplasty.