Corpus: Dorsal nerve of penis
1. Definition
The dorsal nerve of the penis is the deep terminal branch of the pudendal nerve, originating from the sacral plexus (S1 - S4). It courses along the dorsal aspect of the penis and is present exclusively in males.
In females, the comparable structure is the dorsal clitoral nerve.
2. Course
The dorsal nerve of the penis accompanies the internal pudendal artery along the lower ischial branch. It then continues between the fascial layers of the urogenital diaphragm along the lower pubic branch toward the pubic symphysis. Eventually, it pierces the lower layer of the urogenital diaphragm and gives off a branch to the corpus cavernosum.
The nerve continues its path along the dorsal side of the penis, running beneath the deep penile fascia (fascia penis profunda), in conjunction with the dorsal artery of the penis, toward the glans penis.
3. Branches
The dorsal nerve of the penis gives rise to branches that innervate the following structures:
- Motor: Transversus perinei profundus muscle
- Sensory: Skin of the penis, glans penis, prepuce, and corpus cavernosum.