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Corpus: Corpus cavernosum penis

1. Definition

The corpus cavernosum penis refers to the paired erectile tissue of the male reproductive organ (penis).

2. Anatomy

The two corpora cavernosa penis attach to the right and left ischial tuberosities in a Y-shaped formation through the crus of penis. They converge towards the body of the penis and unite at the top. At the point of fusion, the two corpora are separated by a connective tissue septum, known as the septum penis.

The corpus cavernosum penis is surrounded by a thick connective tissue capsule called the tunica albuginea, which plays a crucial role in ensuring that the penis stiffens and lengthens during an erection.

Autonomic innervation is provided by the cavernous nerves of the penis.

The female equivalent of the corpus cavernosum penis is the corpus cavernosum clitoridis.

3. Histology

The corpora cavernosa penis are arterial erectile tissues. They consist of a trabecular system (trabeculae of corpora cavernosa of penis) made up of smooth muscle and connective tissue, which encloses numerous endothelium-lined cavities known as sinusoids. In the flaccid state, these sinusoids are narrow and fissure-shaped. During an erection, the sinusoids expand up to 40 times their normal size due to the influx of blood.

4. Physiology

To produce an erection, the contractile arteries open, allowing blood to fill the erectile tissue. Simultaneously, the venous outflow is blocked, causing the penis to stiffen. The blood pressure in these vessels can rise to ten times the systolic aortic pressure, reaching up to 1,200 mmHg, which is the highest recorded blood pressure in the body.


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14.10.2024, 14:46
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