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Corpus: Cricoid cartilage

from ancient Greek: κρίκος ("kríkos") - ring
Synonym: cricoid

1. Definition

The cricoid cartilage is a cartilaginous part of the larynx. It forms the base of the laryngeal skeleton and supports the thyroid cartilage and the arytenoid cartilage.

3D model of the larynx and thyroid gland. The cricold cartilage is marked with the number 25.

2. Structure

The cricoid cartilage, composed of hyaline cartilage, resembles a signet ring. The ring of the cricoid cartilage is directed ventrally, while the lamina is positioned dorsally. The lateral edge of the lamina bears articular surfaces for the thyroid cartilage on both sides, and the upper edge bears an articular surface for the arytenoid cartilage on both sides. The cricothyroid ligament extends from the cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage, facilitating procedures such as coniotomy.

3. Embryology

The cricoid cartilage develops from parts of the 4th pharyngeal arch.

Stichworte: Cartilage, Corpus, Larynx


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28.10.2024, 16:37
34 Aufrufe
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