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Corpus: Anterior commissure

1. Definition

The anterior commissure connects the anterior and middle parts of the two temporal lobes, as well as smaller areas of the frontal lobes.

The term "anterior commissure" can also refer to the anterior white commissure of the spinal cord.

2. Anatomy

The anterior commissure crosses directly in front of the columns of the fornix above the lamina terminalis of the hypothalamus, where it seperates into two fiber bundles. A thin anterior part runs its fibers to the anterior perforated substance and connects to the olfactory tract. The posterior, more fiber-rich part radiates into the anterior part of the temporal lobe, specifically the parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdaloid body.

Stichworte: Brain, Corpus, Neuroanatomy


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20.06.2024, 10:32
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