Corpus: Thyrohyoideus muscle
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1. Definition
The thyrohyoid muscle is a small, quadrangular skeletal muscle that is part of the infrahyal musculature (lower hyoid muscles).
2. Progression
2.1. Origin
The origin of the thyrohyoid muscle lies at the linea obliqua of the thyroid cartilage (cartilago thyroidea). It appears as an extension of the sternothyroid muscle in the direction of the hyoid bone.
2.2. Attachment
The insertion of the thyrohyoid muscle lies at the lower edge of the base of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone, just lateral and distal to the insertion of the omohyoid muscle, whose course it accompanies.
3. Innervation
The thyrohyoid muscle is innervated via the thyrohyoid ramus from the radix superior of the cervical profunda, which is formed from the branches of the cervical plexus (segments: C1-C3).
4. Function
The thyrohyoid muscle shortens the distance between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage, thereby ensuring closure of the larynx.