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Corpus: Oblique arytenoid muscle

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Version vom 21. Juli 2024, 21:16 Uhr von Isabel Keller (Englische Seite angelegt)
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1. Definition

The arytaenoideus obliquus muscle is a paired muscle belonging to the internal laryngeal musculature.

2. Course

Originating from the basal third (processus muscularis) of the cartilago arytaenoidea, the arytaenoideus obliquus muscle runs obliquely to the upper third of the arytenoid cartilage (apex cartilaginis arytaenoideae) of the opposite side. From there, further fibres radiate into the plica aryepiglottica, where they are addressed as the aryepiglotticus muscle.

3D-Modell des Kehlkopfs und der Schilddrüse. Der Musculus arytaenoideus obliquus ist mit der Nummer 6 markiert.

3. Innervation

Innervation is provided by the terminal branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the inferior laryngeal nerve.

4. Function

The traction of the arytaenoideus obliquus muscle constricts the pars intercartilaginea by approximating and tilting inwards the two arytenoid cartilages.

Stichworte: Corpus, Head, Muscle


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Letzter Edit:
07.11.2024, 16:06
25 Aufrufe
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