Corpus: Ascending cervical artery
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1. Definition
The ascending cervical artery is a vascular branch of the inferior thyroid artery, which can also branch off directly from the thyrocervical trunk as a variation.
2. Course
The ascending cervical artery runs cranially along the anterior tubercle of the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae in the space between the anterior scalene muscle and the longus capitis muscle.
It gives off smaller muscle branches to the neck muscles, which anastomose with the branches of the vertebral artery and sends one or two spinal rami into the cervical section of the spinal canal. Its terminal branches anastomose with the ascending pharyngeal artery and the occipital artery.
3. Branches
- Rami musculares
- Rami spinales
4. Function
The ascending cervical artery supplies parts of the neck muscles, the cervical spinal cord (including its meninges) and some cervical vertebrae with arterial blood.