Corpus: Cranial nerve: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Raw}} ==Definition== The term '''cranial nerves''' refers to nerves whose fibers emerge directly from the brain or radiate into the brain. This distinguishes them from the spinal nerves, which arise from the spinal cord. Most cranial nerves are connected to specialized nerve cell collections in the brain stem, the cranial nerve nuclei. Cranial nerves always have at least one passageway within the bony structure of the skull. <dcembed><dcembedurlphoto…“)
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Version vom 17. Oktober 2024, 16:15 Uhr

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The term cranial nerves refers to nerves whose fibers emerge directly from the brain or radiate into the brain. This distinguishes them from the spinal nerves, which arise from the spinal cord. Most cranial nerves are connected to specialized nerve cell collections in the brain stem, the cranial nerve nuclei. Cranial nerves always have at least one passageway within the bony structure of the skull.

fiber qualities

Half of the cranial nerves are mixed nerves that carry different fiber qualities. This means, for example, that one nerve can be responsible for controlling muscles and transmitting sensations at the same time. The other half carries only one fiber quality. A distinction is made between

Efferent fibers

  • Somatomotor fibers (GSE, general somatic efferent)
  • general visceromotor fibers (GVE, general visceral efferent, parasympathetic)
  • special visceromotor fibers (SVE, special visceral efferent, branchiomotor)

Afferent fibers

  • general somatosensory fibers (GSA, general somatic afferent)
  • special somatosensory fibers (SSA, special somatic afferent, sensory)
  • general viscerosensitive fibers (GVA, general visceral afferent)
  • special viscerosensitive fibers (SVA, special visceral afferent, sensory)

In simple terms, "general" means that the fiber qualities correspond to the conditions in the rest of the peripheral nervous system, while "special" describes fiber qualities that only occur in the cranial nerves (sensory perceptions, supply of the gill arch muscles).


The 12 cranial nerves are numbered with Roman numerals in the order in which they emerge from the brain, from rostral to caudal. The classification was introduced in 1788 by Samuel Thomas von Soemmerring.

The fila olfactoria, which radiate into the olfactory bulb, are predominantly regarded as the first cranial nerve. Deviating from this, the rudimentary Jacobson's organ in humans is also referred to as the 1st cranial nerve. The 2nd cranial nerve is the optic nerve.

Today there is a consensus that the 1st and 2nd cranial nerves are upstream parts of the brain. They are therefore not to be regarded as nerves in the proper sense, but are still referred to as such.

The accessorius nerve (XI) also has a special position among the cranial nerves because part of its fibers (ramus externus) originate from the spinal cord.

Nervus Name' Function fiber qualities
I Olfactory nerve (olfactory nerve) Conducts signals from the nose to the brain SVA (sensory)
II Optic nerve (optic nerve) Conducts the signals from the retina to the brain SSA (sensory)
III Oculomotor nerve Controls eye movements, the eyelid retractor and the iris GSE, GVE
IV Trochlear nerve Controls the oblique upper eye muscle GSE
V * Trigeminal nerve Subdivided into the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve and the mandibular nerve. It transmits sensitive information from the entire facial area to the brain and innervates the masticatory muscles. GSA, SVE
VI abducens nerve Innervates the lateral eye muscle GSE
VII * facial nerve (facial nerve) Controls the muscles of facial expression and the stapedius muscle, also mediates the perception of taste in the front two thirds of the tongue, innervates all head glands except the parotid gland SVE, GVE, GSA, SVA (sensory)
VIII vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory nerve) Responsible for transmitting information from the cochlea and the organ of balance SSA (sensory)
IX * Glossopharyngeal nerve Conducts the signals from the posterior part of the tongue to the brain and innervates the muscles of the pharynx. Important for the act of swallowing. Also innervates the parotid gland. GSA, GVE, SVE, GVA, SVA (sensory)
X * Vagus nerve Main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system and involved in regulating the activity of many internal organs GSA, GVE, SVE, GVA, SVA (sensory)
XI (*) Accessory nerve Supplies the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles with motor energy. GSE, (SVE)
XII Hypoglossal nerve Controls the movement of the tongue GSE
*) embryological: gill arch nerves

The cranial nerves V, VII, IX and X are also classified as gill arch nerves due to their embryonic developmental history. Their motor fiber qualities are described as special visceromotor or branchiomotor. They supply muscles that have developed from the muscles of the gill arches.

In some textbooks, nerve XI (nervus accessorius) is also categorised as a gill arch nerve. However, this only applies to its cranial part ("internal ramus"), which is a continuation of the vagus nerve (nerve X).

Regarding the 7th cranial nerve: its classification is also not standardised. Sometimes a part of the 7th cranial nerve, the nervus intermedius, is referred to as the "13th cranial nerve". This concept is useful for understanding the function of the parasympathetic nervous system in the head area.

In addition to the 12 cranial nerves mentioned above, the terminal nerve, which was only discovered in 1913, can also be counted among the cranial nerves as the "zeroth cranial nerve" (nerve 0).


All cranial nerves are arranged in pairs. After emerging from the nerve cell mass of the brain, the fibers of the cranial nerves initially run intracranially and then emerge from the skull via differently dimensioned channels (foramina, fissures). Their extracranial section then begins.

Nerve Passage
Olfactory nerve (I) Lamina cribrosa
Optic nerve (II) Optic canal
oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV), ophthalmic nerve (V1), abducens nerve (VI) superior orbital fissure
Maxillary nerve (V2) Foramen rotundum
Mandibular nerve (V3) Foramen ovale
facial nerve (VII) Canalis nervi facialis
Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) Internal acoustic meatus
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), Vagus nerve (X), Accessory nerve (XI) Jugular foramen
Hypoglossal nerve (XII) Canalis nervi hypoglossi

Table: Passage points of the cranial nerves in the skull


Cranial nerves in the narrower sense with afferent parts (V, VII, VIII, IX, X) carry sensitive or sensory fibers whose cell bodies are located in nerve cell collections (ganglia) outside the brain. These cranial nerve ganglia (ganglia nervorum cranialum) correspond to the spinal ganglia of the spinal nerves. These include:

  • trigeminal ganglion (trigeminal nerve)
  • Geniculate ganglion (facial nerve)
  • Cochlear ganglion (vestibulocochlear nerve)
  • Vestibular ganglion (vestibulocochlear nerve)
  • Ganglion superius nervi vagi (vagus nerve)
  • Ganglion inferius nervi vagi (vagus nerve)
  • Ganglion superius nervi glossopharyngei (glossopharyngeal nerve)
  • Ganglion inferius nervi glossopharyngei (glossopharyngeal nerve)

Some cranial nerves also carry fibers from nerve cells in the parasympathetic head ganglia:

  • ciliary ganglion (oculomotor nerve)
  • Pterygopalatine ganglion (maxillary nerve)
  • Ganglion oticum (glossopharyngeal nerve)
  • Submandibular ganglion (lingual nerve)


Brain stem with cranial nerves

Cranial base with cranial nerves


The loss of a cranial nerve is called cranial nerve palsy. This is caused by lesions, e.g. due to trauma, infections, tumours or ischaemia. The lesion can be localised centrally, i.e. in the cranial nerve nucleus, or peripherally, i.e. in the course of the nerve. Examples are facial nerve palsy and oculomotor nerve palsy.

Pain syndromes can originate from the sensitive cranial nerves, the most prominent of which is trigeminal neuralgia. Other forms are glossopharyngeal neuralgia and intermedius neuralgia.


Mnemonic devices for the 12 cranial nerves:

  • "O'hne O'nkel O'swald t'anzen t'ausend A'natomen f'ür v'iele g'ute V'enen a'm H'imalaya.'
  • "'O'ma o'ben o'hne t'anzt t'ropfnass, a'ber f'roh, v'or G'rossv'ater A'lberts H'aus."
  • "O'nkel O'tto o'niert T'ag t'äglich, a'ber f'reitags v'ernascht er g'erne v'iele a'lte H'ausfrauen."

Mnemonic for the 12 fiber qualities of the cranial nerves (s=sensitive; m=motor; b=both):

  • ''S'ome s'ay m'oney m'atters b'ut m'y b'rother s'ays b'ig b'oobs m'atter m'ore"
  • "S''ome s'tudents m'ake m'oney b'ut m'y b'rother s'ays B'oris B'ecker m'akes m'ore"


  • 3D model: Dr Claudia Krebs (Faculty Lead) University of British Columbia