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Corpus: Plantar metatarsal arteries

1. Definition

The plantar metatarsal arteries are 4 vascular branches of the deep plantar arch which supply the forefoot.

2. Anatomy

The plantar metatarsal arteries run distally between the metatarsal bones and are in close contact with the interosseous plantar muscles. Two proper plantar digital arteries emerge from each of them, which supply the medial and lateral sides of the toes.

Shortly before their point of division, they send out a branch that anastomoses with the corresponding dorsal metatarsal artery.

The first metatarsal plantar artery originates at the point where the lateral plantar artery joins the deep plantar artery and sends out an additional branch that supplies the medial side of the big toe.

Stichworte: Artery, Corpus


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Letzter Edit:
03.06.2024, 19:40
13 Aufrufe
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