Corpus: Nasociliary nerve
from Latin: nasus - nose, cilium - eyelash
1. Definition
The nasociliary nerve is one of the three branches of the ophthalmic nerve (V1).
2. Course
The nasociliary nerve enters the orbit between the two heads of the lateral rectus muscle and the inferior and superior branches of the oculomotor nerve. It crosses the optic nerve and then runs diagonally under the superior oblique and superior rectus muscles to the medial orbital wall. From here, it passes through the anterior ethmoidal foramen into the cranial cavity.
3. Branches
The branches of the nasociliary nerve include:
- Long root of the ciliary ganglion (Radix longa ganglii ciliaris)
- Long ciliary nerves (Nervi ciliares longi)
- Infratrochlear nerve
- Anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Posterior ethmoidal nerve