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Corpus: Molar (tooth)

1. Definition

Molars are multi-rooted teeth located at the back of the human jaw. In primary dentition, there are 8 molars (2 in each quadrant), while in permanent dentition, there are 12 molars (3 in each quadrant), including the so-called wisdom teeth.

2. Classification

2.1. Upper Jaw

  • 1st molar right: Tooth 16
  • 2nd molar right: Tooth 17
  • 3rd molar right: Tooth 18
  • 1st molar left: Tooth 26
  • 2nd molar left: Tooth 27
  • 3rd molar left: Tooth 28

2.2. Lower Jaw

  • 1st molar left: Tooth 36
  • 2nd molar left: Tooth 37
  • 3rd molar left: Tooth 38
  • 1st molar right: Tooth 46
  • 2nd molar right: Tooth 47
  • 3rd molar right: Tooth 48

3. Anatomy

Molars have the largest occlusal surfaces of all teeth, featuring a complex relief of cusps and fissures essential for their function. They are responsible for crushing and grinding food.

In the upper jaw, molars have three roots: one larger palatal root and two smaller vestibular roots. These roots are further classified as distal and mesial based on their position. Each root typically contains at least one root canal, with the mesial root usually housing two canals.

In the lower jaw, molars typically have two roots: one mesial and one distal. The mesial root often has two root canals, one lingual and one buccal or vestibular. Occasionally, an additional root may be present between the distal and mesial root, known as the radix entomolaris.

4. Etymology

The word "molar" is derived from the Latin "mola," meaning millstone. The corresponding ancient Greek component is "mylo-," as in "mylohyoid muscle." This term references the muscle's origin on the lower jaw bone near the molars, specifically on the mylohyoid line, extending to the hyoid bone.

Stichworte: Corpus, Tooth


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19.06.2024, 10:07
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