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Corpus: Ligamentum arteriosum

Synonym: Botalli's ligament, arterial ligament

1. Definition

The ligamentum arteriosum is a cord of connective tissue that runs between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk. This is the obliterated ductus ateriosus (botalli).

2. Anatomy

The ligamentum arteriosum is a functionless relict that runs from the superior surface of the pulmonary trunk to the inferior surface of the aortic arch. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, loops around the ligament and runs from here cranially to the larynx.

3. Clinic

When jumping from a great height, the ligamentum arteriosum can tear and lead to an aortic dissection.

Stichworte: Corpus, Ligament


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Letzter Edit:
12.10.2024, 11:30
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