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Corpus: Hyooepiglottic ligament

1. Definition

The hyoepiglottic ligament is a short, elastic ligament that connects the anterior surface of the epiglottis to the upper border of the hyoid bone. This ligament helps maintain the epiglottis in an upright position.

2. Clinic

The hyoepiglottic ligament plays a crucial role during direct laryngoscopy, particularly when using a Macintosh laryngoscope. During the procedure, the tip of the laryngoscope is inserted into the epiglottic vallecula and pulled forward. This action stretches the hyoepiglottic ligament, which in turn pulls the epiglottis forward, allowing a clear view of the laryngeal structures.

Stichworte: Corpus, Ligament, Neck


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Letzter Edit:
08.01.2025, 13:22
44 Aufrufe
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