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Corpus: Cervical ligament

Synonyms: cervical talocalcaneal ligament, anterior talocalcaneal ligament

1. Definition

The cervical ligament is a ligament located in the talocalcaneal joint. Together with the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament, it stabilizes the subtalar joint, running from the superior surface of the calcaneus to the lateral surface of the talus within the tarsal sinus.

2. Anatomy

The cervical ligament lies partly under the extensor digitorum brevis muscle and runs obliquely from its attachment on the calcaneus steeply forwards and upwards to the neck of the talus.

3. Function

During foot inversion, the cervical ligament is stretched in a vertical position, and during eversion, it is stretched in a horizontal position.[1] This dual function allows the ligament to stabilize the talotarsal joint along with the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament.[2]

4. Clinic

The cervical ligament is particularly vulnerable to inversion injuries. Overstretching can lead to instability of the subtalar joint.

5. Sources

  1. Michels F et al: Role of the intrinsic subtalar ligaments in subtalar instability and consequences for clinical practice. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 10 March 2023 Sec. Biomechanics Volume 11. 2023
  2. Pretterklieber, M: Anatomie und Kinematik der Sprunggelenke des Menschen, Der Radiologe, Springer-Verlag, 1999

6. Literature

  • Poonja et al., Anatomical Study of the Cervical and Interosseous Talocalcaneal Ligaments of the Foot with Surgical Relevance, Cureus, 2017


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Letzter Edit:
13.06.2024, 15:01
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