Corpus: Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
from Latin: digitus - finger; extendere - to extend, stretch; brevis - short
1. Definition
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is a broad, thin muscle that is part of the extensor muscles of the back of the foot.
Note: Some authors consider the extensor hallucis brevis muscle to be part of this muscle.
2. Course
2.1. Origin
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle originates from the cranial and lateral surface of the calcaneus, just anterior to the sulcus formed by the tendon of the peroneus brevis muscle, and from the inferior extensor retinaculum.
2.2. Attachment
The muscle runs diagonally across the dorsum of the foot and ends in 3 tendons that radiate into the dorsal aponeuroses of toes II-IV.
3. Innervation
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is innervated by the deep fibular nerve (segments: L5 and S1).
4. Function
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is responsible for the dorsal extension of toes II-IV.