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Corpus: Auscultation

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Version vom 6. Februar 2025, 15:51 Uhr von Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Reh (Schützte „Corpus:Auscultation“ ([Bearbeiten=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt) [Verschieben=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt)))
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from Latin: auscultare - to eavesdrop, listen

1. Definition

Auscultation is one of the basic medical techniques and refers to the diagnostic recording of body sounds via the examiner's ear.

2. Technique

Auscultation can be carried out directly by placing the ear on the patient's body or indirectly with the aid of a stethoscope or an ear trumpet. In a broader sense, the electronic recording and amplification of body sounds is also a form of auscultation.

3. History

Direct auscultation by placing the ear on the ear has been known since ancient times. Indirect auscultation as a standard method goes back to the French physician René Laënnec (1781-1826), who was the first to use an ear trumpet in 1819. Laënnec was the personal physician to Napoleon I Bonaparte.

4. Forms

  • Lung auscultation: Detection of breath sounds and breath noises (e.g. rales)
  • Cardiac auscultation: recording of heart sounds and heart tones
  • Abdominal auscultation: recording of bowel sounds or — n pregnant women — the foetal heart sounds.
  • Scratch auscultation
  • Other (e.g. auscultation of the carotids)
Stichworte: Corpus, Examination


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Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Reh
DocCheck Team
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Letzter Edit:
11.02.2025, 16:44
16 Aufrufe
Nutzung: BY-NC-SA