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Corpus: Superior cerebellar artery

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Version vom 26. Juli 2024, 08:59 Uhr von Natascha van den Höfel (Schützte „Corpus:Superior cerebellar artery“ ([Bearbeiten=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt) [Verschieben=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt)))
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1. Definition

The superior cerebellar artery is a vascular branch from the end section of the basilar artery that supplies the cerebellum.

2. Anatomy

The superior cerebellar artery runs laterally under the oculomotor nerve, which separates it from the posterior cerebral artery. In its further course, it winds around the pedunculus cerebri close to the trochlear nerve to reach the superior surface of the cerebellum. There its branches branch out in the pia mater and anastomose with the other cerebellar arteries (posterior inferior cerebellar artery and anterior inferior cerebellar artery).

The superior cerebellar artery supplies the upper parts of the cerebellar hemispheres and the cerebellar vermis as well as areas of the mesencephalon.

The superior cerebellar artery gives off smaller branches to the corpus pineale, the velum medullare anterius and the tela choroidea of the 3rd cerebral ventricle.

3. Clinic

Occlusion of the superior cerebellar artery leads to a so-called SCA infarction.

The superior cerebellar artery can also be involved in classic trigeminal neuralgia through direct vascular-nerve contact. In about 80 % of cases, the trigeminal nerve is compressed (Jannetta mechanism).

Stichworte: Artery, Brain, Corpus, Head


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31.07.2024, 16:11
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