Corpus: Stylohyoid muscle
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1. Definition
The stylohyoid muscle is a slender skeletal muscle in the transition area between the head and neck, which belongs to the suprahyal musculature.
2. Course
The stylohyoid muscle originates from the styloid process of the temporal bone and attaches to the body and large horn (cornu majus) of the hyoid bone. Some authors also refer to the small horn (cornu minus) as the attachment.
The attachment tendon splits into two cords shortly before its end, which surround the intermediate tendon of the digastric muscle.
3. Innervation
The stylohyoid muscle is innervated by the facial nerve, which sends a stylohyoid ramus to the muscle.
4. Function
The stylohyoid muscle pulls the hyoid bone in a dorsal-cranial direction. Through the interaction of the suprahyal and infrahyal muscles, the os hyoideum is displaced according to the situation - especially during the act of swallowing - and the tension of the floor of the mouth is controlled. The muscle is also involved in opening the jaw.