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Corpus: Depressor labii inferioris muscle

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from Latin: deprimere - to press down; labium - lip; inferior - lower(r)
Synonym: Musculus quadratus menti

1. Definition

The depressor labii inferioris muscle belongs to the deep layer of the mimic musculature of the mouth. It pulls the lower lip downwards.

2. Course

The depressor labii inferioris muscle originates at the lower edge of the mandible, at the linea obliqua, between the symphysis and the mental foramen. Here the muscle continues the fibre course of the platysma. Its fibres run steeply cranially and medially to the lower lip, where they find their insertion in the skin of the lower lip. In part, they intermingle with the fibres of the orbicularis oris muscle.

3. Innervation

The depressor labii inferioris muscle is innervated by the ramus marginalis mandibularis of the VII cranial nerve (facial nerve).

4. Function

The depressor labii inferioris muscle pulls the lower lip downwards and can thus express sadness and disappointment. It is fused with the corium, which causes the skin to follow the muscle movements. Together with the depressor anguli oris muscle, it creates the so-called "pout" or "pout".

Stichworte: Chin, Corpus, Head, Muscle


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Letzter Edit:
02.08.2024, 07:42
32 Aufrufe
Nutzung: BY-NC-SA