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Corpus: Lingual artery

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from Latin: lingua - tongue

1. Definition

The lingual artery is a vascular branch of the external carotid artery.

2. Course

The lingual artery arises between the superior thyroid artery and the facial artery in the carotid trigonum from the external carotid artery. It runs obliquely cranially and medially to the cornu majus of the hyoid bone (os hyoideum). The vessel then swings caudally and rostrally, forming a loop through which the hypoglossal nerve runs.

Further on, the lingual artery, covered by the digastric and stylohyoid muscles, runs horizontally forwards to below the hyoglossal muscle. Finally, it rises almost vertically to the tongue and follows its body as the profunda linguae artery on the underside to the tip of the tongue.

3. Branches

  • Ramus suprahyoideus
  • Rami dorsales linguae
  • Arteria sublingualis
  • Arteria profunda linguae

4. Variants

In about 20 % of cases, the lingual artery and the facial artery emerge from the external carotid artery with a common lingofacial trunk. Rarer variants are a common outlet with the superior thyroid artery as a thyrolingual truncus or the formation of a thyrolinguofacial truncus.

Stichworte: Artery, Corpus, Head, Tongue


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Letzter Edit:
29.07.2024, 15:23
33 Aufrufe
Nutzung: BY-NC-SA