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Corpus: Depressor supercilii muscle

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Version vom 19. Juli 2024, 15:44 Uhr von Isabel Keller (Englische Seite angelegt)
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from Latin: deprimere - to humiliate, depress; cilium - eyelash, eyelid

1. Definition

The Musculus depressor supercilii is a small, two-headed muscle in the area of the palpebral fissure. It belongs to the mimic musculature.

Note: Some authors do not consider the depressor supercilii muscle to be an independent muscle, but rather assign it to the orbicularis oculi muscle or the corrugator supercilii muscle.

2. Course

The depressor supercilii muscle has its origin at the processus frontalis of the maxilla and at the arcus superciliaris of the frontal bone. According to recent findings, the muscle has two heads, between which the angular artery and vein pass. Its fibres run steeply cranially. There they radiate into the skin of the medial eyebrow, where they find their insertion.

3. Innervation

The depressor supercilii muscle is innervated by the temporal rami of the VII cranial nerve (facial nerve).

4. Function

The superciliary depressor muscle pulls the eyebrow downwards. The muscle is fused with the corium, which causes the skin to follow the muscle movements. In co-operation with the procerus muscle, it creates a horizontal fold in the area of the glabella, the so-called frown or glabella fold.

Stichworte: Corpus, Eye, Eye muscle, Head, Muscle


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02.08.2024, 07:33
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