Corpus: Uvula

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from Latin: uva - grape and palatum - palate
Synonyms: uvula, uvula of the palate
The uvula palatina is a cone-shaped soft tissue process of the soft palate. It is located approximately in the centre of the soft palate.
The uvula swings freely in the isthmus faucium and is covered by mucous membrane. It contains touch receptors that can trigger the gag reflex. The movement of the uvula is controlled by the uvulae muscle. Its contraction stiffens and shortens the uvula.
The uvula serves to detect foreign bodies, to close the nasopharynx during swallowing and plays a role in phonation in languages with pronounced pharyngeal sounds (e.g. Arabic).
Infections of the pharynx, mechanical irritation or after severe vomiting can lead to inflammation of the uvula (uvulitis), which is usually accompanied by uvular oedema.
A split uvula is referred to as a bifid uvula. It is the mildest form of cleft lip and palate.
In the case of a unilateral lesion of the vagus nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve, the uvula moves to the healthy side when the gag reflex is triggered or when phonation occurs (splitting phenomenon).