Corpus: Uterine artery

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Synonyms: A. uterina, uterine artery


The uterine artery is an arterial vessel of domestic mammals that supplies the uterus. Its origin varies greatly from species to species.


In ruminants and pigs, the uterine artery is the first vessel to emerge from the umbilical artery. In horses, it arises from the initial section of the external iliac artery. The uterine artery divides in the ligamentum latum uteri successively into several branches, which reach the mesometral edge of the equilateral uterine horn (cornu uteri) in a diverging fashion. In this area, the branches anastomose with each other in an arch and the cranially directed branches anastomose with the uterine ramus of the ovarian artery. The caudally directed branches connect with the uterine ramus of the vaginal artery.

In carnivores, the uterine ramus of the vaginal artery becomes the uterine artery. Coming from the vagina near the mesometral edge of the uterus, it moves towards the tip of the horn and connects with the uterine ramus of the ovarian artery. During its course, the uterine artery releases several branches on both sides of the uterine horn as well as fine branches into the mesometrium and the ligamentum teres uteri.

The vessels of the uterus are highly tortuous in order to be able to follow the expansion of the uterus as the pregnancy progresses. This allows them to adapt to the size of the uterus and ensure a continuous supply.


The uterine artery increases in size as the pregnancy progresses. The lumen becomes wider and the muscular media gains in thickness. From the 3rd month of pregnancy, the uterine artery in cattle can be palpated during rectal examination as a bulging and vibrating vessel. The pulsation of the artery can be felt as a typical "uterine buzzing" and is characteristic of an existing pregnancy. The morphological wall changes remain post partum (after involution of the uterus) and serve as proof that pregnancy has taken place.


  • Nickel, Richard, August Schummer, Eugen Seiferle. Volume III: Circulatory system. Textbook of the anatomy of domestic animals. Parey, 2004.
