Corpus: Terminal sulcus

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from Latin sulcus - furrow, channel and terminus - boundary, end
The term sulcus terminalis refers to two different structures in anatomy.
The sulcus terminalis linguae is a V-shaped groove in the region of the root of the tongue, the tip of which is directed dorsally. The foramen caecum of the tongue is located at the tip of the sulcus terminalis.
The sulcus terminalis cordis is a depression that runs between the base of the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. It separates the right atrium (atrium dextrum) from the right auricle (auricula dextra). The sinus node, an important part of the heart's conduction system, is located in this sulcus terminalis. The sulcus corresponds to the crista terminalis located on the inner side.