Corpus: Superficial external pudendal artery

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The superficial external femoral artery is a branch of the femoral artery.
The superficial external pudendal artery arises near the superficial epigastric artery and the superficial circumflex iliac artery from the medial aspect of the femoral artery. After passing through the vascular nerve sheath of the thigh and the fascia cribrosa, it runs medially, crossing the spermatic cord in men and the ligamentum teres uteri in women.
The branches of the superficial external pudendal artery are distributed in the caudal section of the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen. In men, the penis and the scrotum are supplied via the anterior scrotal rami; in women, the labia majora is supplied via the anterior labial rami.
The superficial external pudendal artery anastomoses with the internal pudendal artery.