Corpus: Rhomboid fossa

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Synonym: Fossa rhomboidea
The rhomboid fossa or rhomboid fossa is the anterior part of the 4th ventricle. It is located in the area of the brain stem and forms the floor of the 4th ventricle.
The rhomboid fossa is bordered laterally by the cerebellar peduncles (pedunculi cerebelli). The obex is located at the caudal end of the rhomboid fossa.
The cranial nerve nuclei, which have emerged from the rhombencephalic tegmentum, lie close to the surface in the rhomboid fossa. They determine the surface relief of the rhomboid fossa, which reveals the following structures:
- Area acustica
- Area postrema
- Area vestibularis
- Funiculus separans
- Colliculus facialis
- One eminentia medialis on each side of the median posterior sulcus
- Sulcus medianus posterior (unpaired)
- Sulcus limitans (paired)
- Striae medullares, below the facial colliculus
- Trigonum nervi vagi (ala cinerea)
- Trigonum nervi hypoglossi
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- Podcast image source: © Midjourney