Corpus: Parasympathetic ganglion

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Synonym: Ganglion parasympathicum
Parasympathetic ganglia are nerve cell clusters (ganglia) of the parasympathetic nervous system, which are usually located in the immediate vicinity of the organ of success. They belong to the autonomic ganglia.
The preganglionic parasympathetic neurones are located only in the brain stem and the sacral medulla. From there, long, less branched fibres run to the parasympathetic ganglia, which are mainly small, intramural nerve cell clusters in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. They do not have a distinct name, but are referred to in their entirety as the enteric nervous system.
The parasympathetic ganglia in the head area are an exception. These include:
- ciliary ganglion (sphincter pupillae muscle and ciliary muscle)
- Pterygopalatine ganglion (lacrimal gland, mucosal glands of the nasal passages and palatal glands)
- Ganglion submandibulare (glandula submandibularis, glandula sublingualis, lingual glands)
- Ganglion oticum (parotid gland)
Both the pre- and post-ganglionic fibres use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.