Corpus: Papilla

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from Latin: papilla - nipple, teat
Synonym: papilla
In descriptive anatomy, the term papilla or papilla' refers to the wart-shaped elevation of a tissue.
- Dermal papillae (papillae dermis): Protrusions of the dermis into the epidermis
- Tongue papillae (e.g. papillae vallatae, papillae fungiformes, papillae filiformes)
- Interdental papillae: Protrusion of the gingiva between two neighbouring teeth
- Papilla duodeni major and papilla duodeni minor: mucosal protrusions in the duodenum
- Papilla ductus parotidei: wart-shaped elevation of the buccal mucosa
- Papilla mammae: nipple
- Papilla nervi optici: exit of the optic nerve from the eye
- Papilla ilealis: mucosal elevation on the inside of the caecum
- Papilla incisiva: mucosal elevation of the hard palate
- Papilla renalis: tip of the renal pyramids