Corpus: Palpation
from Latin: palpare - to touch, feel
1. Definition
Palpation is part of the physical examination, involving the manual assessment of a patient by feeling body structures with one or more fingers or hands. The findings from palpation are recorded as the palpation result.
The corresponding verb is palpate.
2. Background
Palpation is used to evaluate structures that can be accessed either directly (such as the body surface or a surgical site) or indirectly (through overlying layers like the abdominal wall or subcutaneous tissue). It assesses several characteristics, including:
- Size (dimension): e.g., cherry-sized, plum-sized, etc.
- Firmness (consistency): soft, hard, coarse
- Resilience (elasticity): rigid, firm-elastic, springy
- Mobility: movable, immovable
- Sensitivity to pressure (tenderness): non-tender, pressure-sensitive
When palpation is performed using both hands, it is referred to as bimanual palpation.
In addition to palpation, physical examination also includes inspection, percussion, and auscultation.
see also: Pulse palpation